public function commutator() { // verificar si tiene una sessi�n // si no tiene solicitar ID } public function closeSesion($chatId){ $close = cerrarSesion($chatId); $this->sendMessage($message['chatId'], 'Gracias por utilizar nuestros servicios'.$message['chatId'].'@'); } //this function calls function sendRequest to send a simple message //@param $chatId [string] [required] - the ID of chat where we send a message //@param $text [string] [required] - text of the message public function welcome($chatId, $session) { $welcomeString = "Bienvenido a *Gresst Bot*\n"; if(count($session['Sessions'])>0){ $welcomeString .= "Menú\n0. Finalizar sesión\n\n"; $welcomeString .= "Tienes una sesión activa = " . $chatId; }else{ // Crear sesión step 0 crearSesion($chatId, '0'); $welcomeString .= "Indicanos tu numero de identificación"; } // Responde al cliente $this->sendMessage($chatId, $welcomeString); } //sends Id of the current chat. it is called when the bot gets the command "chatId" //@param $chatId [string] [required] - the ID of chat where we send a message public function showChatId($chatId) { $this->sendMessage($chatId, 'ChatID: ' . $chatId); } //sends current server time. it is called when the bot gets the command "time" //@param $chatId [string] [required] - the ID of chat where we send a message public function time($chatId) { $this->sendMessage($chatId, date('d.m.Y H:i:s')); } //sends your nickname. it is called when the bot gets the command "me" //@param $chatId [string] [required] - the ID of chat where we send a message //@param $name [string] [required] - the "senderName" property of the message public function me($chatId, $name) { $this->sendMessage($chatId, $name); } //sends a file. it is called when the bot gets the command "file" //@param $chatId [string] [required] - the ID of chat where we send a message //@param $format [string] [required] - file format, from the params in the message body (text[1], etc) public function file($chatId, $format) { $availableFiles = array( 'doc' => 'document.doc', 'gif' => 'gifka.gif', 'jpg' => 'jpgfile.jpg', 'png' => 'pngfile.png', 'pdf' => 'presentation.pdf', 'mp4' => 'video.mp4', 'mp3' => 'mp3file.mp3', ); if (isset($availableFiles[$format])) { $data = array( 'chatId' => $chatId, 'body' => '' . $availableFiles[$format], 'filename' => $availableFiles[$format], 'caption' => 'Get your file ' . $availableFiles[$format], ); $this->sendRequest('sendFile', $data);}} //sends a voice message. it is called when the bot gets the command "ptt" //@param $chatId [string] [required] - the ID of chat where we send a message public function ptt($chatId) { $data = array( 'audio' => '', 'chatId' => $chatId, ); $this->sendRequest('sendAudio', $data);} //sends a location. it is called when the bot gets the command "geo" //@param $chatId [string] [required] - the ID of chat where we send a message public function geo($chatId) { $data = array( 'lat' => 51.51916, 'lng' => -0.139214, 'address' => '??? ?????', 'chatId' => $chatId, ); $this->sendRequest('sendLocation', $data);} //creates a group. it is called when the bot gets the command "group" //@param chatId [string] [required] - the ID of chat where we send a message //@param author [string] [required] - "author" property of the message public function group($author) { $phone = str_replace('', '', $author); $data = array( 'groupName' => 'Group with the bot PHP', 'phones' => array($phone), 'messageText' => 'It is your group. Enjoy', ); $this->sendRequest('group', $data);} public function sendMessage($chatId, $text) { $data = array('chatId' => $chatId, 'body' => $text); $this->sendRequest('message', $data);} public function sendRequest($method, $data) { $url = $this->APIurl . $method . '?token=' . $this->token; if (is_array($data)) {$data = json_encode($data);} $options = stream_context_create(['http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/json', 'content' => $data]]); $response = file_get_contents($url, false, $options); file_put_contents('requests.log', $response . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);}